How do I remove the setting from my laptop?

Dear buddy,
I assume you’re asking in context to web browser. If that is the case then there are two solutions which are are folows:
1st Option: If you just wanna get rid of the ask toolbar from your web browser then go your computer Control Panel→ Programs and Features→ and Identify the ask toolbar and Uninstall the same from your system. Now, you may go your web browser and change your homepage and set your desired URL for it.
2nd Option: There is a option in every web browser, irrespective on which it is based on, to ‘Reset browser’ and this method also cleans up any crappy stuff which effects your browser slowness issue and secruity issue too. This option usually is in your web browser ‘Settings’ and perhaps under Advanced section. You just have to Reset your web browser and it will return to its default settings. Now, you may go your web browser and change your homepage and set your desired URL for it.
Finally, do a full scan from your Antivirus, or Security product of your system and remove any threats if it’ll finds and Reboot your system.

Choose any one as per your preference and your work will be done!

Love to help :)
Thank you.
